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Steller Construction Now Offering Radon Mitigation Inspections

06.09.2018 - 18:01 | 1647052

Columbus, Ohio, September 6, 2018 -- Steller Construction is proud to offer this potentially life-saving service to Ohio residents.

Radon is the #1 leading cause of lung cancer in non-smokers. Radon exits the ground and can seep into your home through cracks and hole in the foundation. The only way to know if you have radon in your home is to test, and now it is easier than ever thanks to Steller Construction.

Radon gas is naturally occurring, it is odorless and colorless. It is also known to cause lung cancer by the EPA. Because of this inability to see it with a naked eye, there are still some people who do not believe that it exists. There is plenty of science and research behind this. If someone tells it does not exist, they are immediately discrediting themselves from this topic.

Radon comes from the breakdown of uranium that is found in the soil and the gas rises through the soil and enters homes from the lower levels through cracks in the concrete, gaps around waste pipes, sump pumps pits, or through the soil in the crawl space. The topic of radon testing usually comes up as part of a home inspection when a home is being purchased.

In the States that license people who test for radon gas there are described locations that are accepted as proper locations to test for radon gas. In Ohio, the testing location is the lowest livable space in a home for a minimum of 48 hours. Lowest livable space typically is a basement. The basement does not have to be finished to be considered a livable space. The radon testing equipment in Ohio needs to be placed in the lowest livable space at least 20 inches off the floor, at least 2 feet from an exterior wall, etc.

For more information or to schedule an appointment contact Steller Construction 614-987-8609.

Unternehmensinformation / Kurzprofil:


PresseKontakt / Agentur:
Media Contact:
Tim Huter
204 Oak Street,
Columbus, OH 43235



Firma: Steller Construction

Ansprechpartner: Tim Huter
Stadt: Columbus
Telefon: 6149878609


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