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Making CLACK® softeners safer & more efficient

07.12.2020 - 09:27 | 1865764

SaveCost C is the "guard" for a CLACK® water softener. This leads to more operational reliability and optimal utilization of the softener columns.

The softener produces up to 160% soft water with less rinse water and salt. This reduces operating costs by up to 60%. The continuous maintenance of water softening systems is also reduced to a necessary level.

The automatic triggering of the regeneration on the CLACK

SaveCost C can be installed on every water softener with sodium chloride regeneration and CLACK

All operating data are electronically recorded chronologically and stored in the device. The additional yield of soft water and the number of regenerations are among other important recorded information. In addition, the flow rate and the savings achieved are recorded for each softening column.

The device status and hardness rating can be clearly read on the display on site. At higher process levels, data communication takes place via LAN interface (modbus). The operational data is saved in the readable USB stick.

The cyclical self-monitoring of the device and the measuring functions contributes significantly to the safe process flow. In addition, the constant checking of the water quality and flow rate increases the reliability of the system. Password-protected parameter levels, which prevent impermissible changes to setting parameters, provide additional protection.

SaveCost C works ecologically and cost-effectively, as no reagents or indicators are required. All measurements are carried out by an ion-selective sensor for calcium and magnesium ions.

Optionally, the brine / salt storage tank of the softener can also be monitored with the OFS product SALIS and a wireless alarm can be triggered by e-mail if a WLAN network is available. In conjunction with SALIS, comprehensive protection of the entire water softener system is provided.

Unternehmensinformation / Kurzprofil:

OFS Online Fluid Sensoric GmbH is a medium-sized company with decades of expertise in industrial water treatment. Our goal is the environmentally conscious handling of the resource water. Our products include process water analysis, monitoring and control systems of process water and cooling / climate water. Our requirements for operational and process reliability, economy and environmental friendliness set new standards. As a developer and plant manufacturer, we pull the strings and offer customized overall solutions.


PresseKontakt / Agentur:
OFS Online Fluid Sensoric GmbH
Christina Schellbach
Tel: +49 36602 51 24-261
E-mail: c.schellbach(at)


Firma: OFS Online Fluid Sensoric GmbH

Ansprechpartner: Christina Schellbach
Stadt: Ronneburg
Telefon: +49366025124261


ofs, ronneburg, clack, softener, savecost, sensor, water, analysis, hardness,

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Making CLACK® softeners safer & more efficient

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