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POLAR at China Print 2013, Stand W1-001

05.04.2013 - 13:49 | 847589

POLAR and Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG will be presenting highspeed cutters and cutting systems at the China Print 2013 trade fair in Beijing.

From 14 to 18 May, the Beijing International Printing Technology Exhibition, or simply China Print, will be held for the 8th time. Over the past few years, this event has developed into the most important trade fair, not just for China, but also for the whole of Asia.

At this year's China Print POLAR will be exhibiting not only a standalone 115 PF cutting machine, but also the P-Net service Compucut® in Chinese language, as well as two systems: Cutting System L-137-T and Cutting System L-R-137-T PACE.

Cutting System L-137-T has been conceived especially for the precutting of paper. A stack lift allows the operator to load the uncut material into the high-speed cutter at a favorable working height. The
material is cut into the required format. After that, a Transomat unloading unit piles it, ensuring optimum ergonomic conditions. The material is easily pushed onto the transport pallet of the Transomat.

This unit automatically deposits parted or complete reams on a pallet. Meanwhile the operator continues his/her cutting work. With its patented movable pallet tip the POLAR Transomat achieves perfectly aligned edges so that the material can be directly processed on the printing press or folding machine. The automated PACE cutting system L-R-137-T provides an enormous potential for savings. Compared with a manual cutting system operated by two the high level of automation allows to obtain the same output with just one operator.

PACE (POLAR Automation for Cutting Efficiency) is a synonym for automated cutting processes. The loading, turning and waste removal operations are automated. The Autoturn turning gripper combined with the Autotrim cutter is the automation centerpiece here. While Autoturn automates the turning and positioning cycles of the cutting ream, the Autotrim feature automatically removes the waste cuttings. These two components are interacting and allow to automate the first five cuts (four-side and dividing cuts). While the cutting system is automatically cutting, the operator can conveniently prepare the next ream on the automatic jogger. A continuous workflow is ensured. This working method offers the advantage that the operator can carry out a quality control during the jogging process. Besides, it allows to easily process even materials which are difficult to handle.

cutting system L-R-137-T PACE

The P-Net service Compucut® enables customers to streamline their working sequences at the high-speed cutter or cutting system even more. POLAR Compucut® generates cutting programs outside the high-speed cutter while it continues the production. This procedure is based on the sheet layouts transferred as ppf or jdf files from the prepress. Depending on the setup of the sheet, the program can be generated either manually, semi-automatically or, ideally in a fully automated process. To ensure the best possible program cycle, cutting programs are automatically optimized adding the required comments, additional functions and information for the user. It allows the programming time at the high-speed cutter to be reduced to almost zero while the machine efficiency is increased. In addition, POLAR will be presenting its new PF high-speed cutter which has been customized for the Chinese market. This model is available with cutting width 115 and 137 are produced in China and for China. It's not just the design that is different, but compared to the Hofheim-manufactured high-speed cutters it also offers a reduced range of function.

Unternehmensinformation / Kurzprofil:

Information on POLAR
An independent family business, POLAR develops efficient solutions in the post-press branch and positions itself as a global, forward-looking technology company. The range of products includes components and systems for networking and automating various processes from loading, via jogging, cutting and die-cutting right through to unloading and banding. We have been producing cutting machines that are perfect for Print-on-Demand markets working with formats up to 46 x 64 cm under the MOHR brand since 2012. Another member of the POLAR Mohr group is Dienst Verpackungstechnik GmbH, a business producing components and systems for the automatic packaging of goods, primarily in the food industry.

Matthias Langer
Product Management & PR

Maschinenvertriebsgesellschaft GmbH & Co. KG
Hattersheimer Straße 25
65719 Hofheim

phone + 49 6192 204-226
mobile + 49 172 6233857
fax: + 49 6192 22193
e-mail: matthias.langer(at)

PresseKontakt / Agentur:
Matthias Langer
Product Management & PR

Maschinenvertriebsgesellschaft GmbH & Co. KG
Hattersheimer Straße 25
65719 Hofheim

phone + 49 6192 204-226
mobile + 49 172 6233857
fax: + 49 6192 22193
e-mail: matthias.langer(at)



Firma: Press&More GmbH



polar, heidelberger, mohr, cutting, china-print, cutting-systems, speed-cutter, post-press-branch, automatic-packaging,

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